HousingSearch Listing Statuses

Written By Don Combs (Super Administrator)

Updated at April 28th, 2021

These are the statuses property managers may see assigned to their listings and what they mean. 

Icon Status Meaning
Closed This listing is closed, not visible to the search, but can be reopened using the Add Another link on the right of this listing's row on the display page of your listings. All previous information for this listing will be available to the new listing, including photos.
Incomplete All steps of the listing edit process were not completed. If you save and exist without completing all steps, your incomplete listing is available for editing, but will not be visible to the search until you successfully complete all steps.
Open This listing is visible to the search app. The listing will close around midnight on the date you selected for Close this listing. This is the Listing Ends date on the display page of your listings.
Pending This listing was successfully entered but there is an issue we need to check before allowing it to open. Typically this will mean that we have to verify the account holder's relationship with the property. If the owner's tax statement or the management agreement were uploaded, turnaround is usually within a business day. Also, there may be wording in violation of fair housing rules; we would contact the person on the account if a change is necessary.
Rejected This listing will not be allowed to open.
Scheduled A future date was chosen for Advertise this listing on when entering the listing. The listing will automatically become visible to the search app after midnight on the date selected. This is the Advertise Date on the display page of your listings.

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