
Written By Penny C (Administrator)

Updated at October 25th, 2021

Your property information can include up to 20 photos that you only upload one time.  These photos will stay with your property, available for any listings you make in the future. 

To change or edit your photos:

  1. Login to HousingLink
  2. Click Properties
  3. Click Edit Icon
  4. Scroll to Property Photos

To remove a photo
Click the X icon next to the photo.
To add a photo: Choose file. Navigate to the file on your computer, and click Open. Once uploaded, to include the photo on a listing, click the circle in the upper left hand corner of the photo; a checkmark indicates it is selected for this listing.
To re-order photos:  Click the multi-directional tool and drag photo to position.
To rotate a photo:  Click the rotate icon until photo is positioned correctly.
Suggestions to help make your photos display consistently: Take them with the same camera.
Choose either portrait mode or landscape mode, and do the same for all of them.
If you are cropping your photos prior to upload, try to crop them to a consistent size.
Panoramic photos are not recommended.

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