How will the applicant transfer work?

Written By Penny C (Administrator)

Updated at October 21st, 2021

Issue: Applicants have selected program administrators that are not in their geographic service area or selected a program administrator that does not provide the type of assistance needed (i.e. rental vs. homeownership)  These applicants are "mis-aligned applicants". 

SolutionWith permission from program administrators AND applicants, Housing Link will transfer application records to program administrators in the appropriate geographic service area or assistance type.  Unless: 

  •  The current program administrator indicates that they wish to keep a mis-aligned applicant **
  • An application is already in the Verification In Progress status
  • An applicant indicates they do not wish to be transferred. 
  • Applicants already accurately selected you as a program administrator and are in your geographic service area. 

This transfer will only happen if an applicant is in an incorrect list. Applicants correctly assigned to you will not be transferred. 

To notify HousingLink that you want to keep a mis-aligned applicant that is in your current list:

Do one of the following:

1. Move the applicant to verification in progress status. (To edit statuses). (You can only do this if the application is currently in the "Application Complete Status" 


2. Send an email to with the applicant name and applicant ID#  (Not their personal id) with the subject line "Applicant Transfer"

Read more about applicant statuses.

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