How can I find more waitlists that meet my housing preferences?

Learn strategies for navigating wait lists and finding additional wait list opportunities.

Written By Penny C (Administrator)

Updated at April 8th, 2024

Do you want to see waitlists that perfectly match your housing preferences? 



No, I want to expand my search


I don't remember which housing preferences I added to my search

To see more waitlist for which you qualify, login to Housing Hub with your credentials and click [Find More Wait Lists].   Any waitlists you see here are those that match your housing preferences that you have in your Housing Hub profile. 


How can I see more housing options?

To expand your housing search, we recommend that you log out of your Housing Hub ...

To expand your housing search, we recommend that you log out of your Waitlist Central account.
  1. To log out, click [Log Out] button top of screen.
  2. Once logged out, [Search Available Housing], enter in new criteria.
  3. If you find a waitlist that you want to be added to, click [Login to Join] button. (You must log back in to join the waitlist.)

TIP: To give you more housing options to consider, expand the search of where you want to live. For example, use a county (e.g. Hennepin) instead of a city (e.g. Bloomington).




To expand your housing search, we recommend that you log out of your Housing Hub account.
To log out, click [Log Out] button top of screen.
  1. Once logged out, [Search Available Housing], enter in new criteria.
  2. If you find a waitlist that you want to be added to, click [Login to Join] button. (You must log back in to join the waitlist.)

TIP: To give you more housing options to consider, expand the search of where you want to live. For example, use a county (e.g. Hennepin) instead of a city (e.g. Bloomington).



To verify which housing preferences you have entered on your account:

  1. Login to Waitlist Central using your email and password.
  2. The housing preferences you have entered will be listed underneath your name on the left hand side of the screen. 




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