Do you want to see waitlists that perfectly match your housing preferences?
How can I see more housing options?
To expand your housing search, we recommend that you log out of your Housing Hub ...
- To log out, click [Log Out] button top of screen.
- Once logged out, [Search Available Housing], enter in new criteria.
- If you find a waitlist that you want to be added to, click [Login to Join] button. (You must log back in to join the waitlist.)
TIP: To give you more housing options to consider, expand the search of where you want to live. For example, use a county (e.g. Hennepin) instead of a city (e.g. Bloomington).
- Once logged out, [Search Available Housing], enter in new criteria.
- If you find a waitlist that you want to be added to, click [Login to Join] button. (You must log back in to join the waitlist.)
TIP: To give you more housing options to consider, expand the search of where you want to live. For example, use a county (e.g. Hennepin) instead of a city (e.g. Bloomington).
To verify which housing preferences you have entered on your account:
- Login to Waitlist Central using your email and password.
- The housing preferences you have entered will be listed underneath your name on the left hand side of the screen.